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                    SCREEN (µ¿¿µ»ó)(À¯·á) ¸Þ´º·Î ¹Ù·Î°¡±â
The One With The Secret Closet - 05, [ÇÁ·»Á·áº¸±â]


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[Scene: Chandler and Monica's. Chandler's trying to open the closet with a bunch of tools. He hears the apartment door close and he stops.]
Chandler: I wasn't trying to open your closet!! I wasn't trying to open your closet!!

(It's just Joey.)
Joey: Wow. Monica runs a pretty tight shift around here, doesn't she? What are you doing? 
Chandler: Monica has a secret closet and she won't let me see what's in it.
Joey: Why?
Chandler: I don't know!! I don't know what she could possibly be hiding in there that I can't see!!!
Joey: I don't know. Ooh. I bet it's Richard.
Chandler: Why would Monica be keeping Richard in here?
Joey: Off the top of my head, uh, maybe she's having her cake and eating it too. You being the cake, Richard being the too. Or!
Chandler: Oh man, here we go.
Joey: I saw this movie once where there was this door and nobody knew what was behind it. They finally got it open and millions and millions and millions of bugs came pouring out. They feasted on human flesh! You know, it wouldn't kill you to respect your wife's privacy!

(He leaves.)
(Cut to Joey and Rachel's. Joey enters.)
Joey: Stupid closet full of bugs!
(He bolts the door.)
Rachel: Joey, Joey, something feels weird and not good-weird. Whoa!!!
Joey: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, do not worry. When my sisters were pregnant, they got every weird feeling in the book. It's nothing.
Rachel: Really?
Joey: Absolutely. But we're going to stop at the hospital just to make sure, ok? I'll call Ross on the way.
Rachel: Oh God. (he helps her up) Ow!!

Joey: Rach, Rach, look at me. Everything's going to be fine. Trust me. Come on. Take my hand. (she gets up) There you go. Ow!! Crushing bones!! Oh good thing we're going to a hospital!


=================================  ÇØ    ¼®  ===================================



[Scene: Chandler and Monica's. Chandler's trying to open the closet with a bunch of tools. He hears the apartment door close and he stops.]
þµé·¯¿Í ¸ð´ÏÄ«ÀÇ Áý. þµé·¯°¡ ¸î°¡Áö °ø±¸µé·Î º®ÀåÀ» ¿­·¯ ½ÃµµÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Ù. Áý ¹® ´Ý´Â ¼Ò¸®¸¦ µè°í´Â ¿­´ø°É ¸ØÃá´Ù
Chandler: I wasn't trying to open your closet!! I wasn't trying to open your closet!!
³ª Àڱ⠺®Àå ¿­·Á°í ÇÑ°Å ¾Æ´Ï¾ß!! ³ª º®Àå ¿­·Á°í ÇÑ°Å ¾Æ´Ï´ç!!
(It's just Joey.)
( ±Ùµ¥ ¾Ë°íº¸´Ï Á¶ÀÌÀÎ °ÍÀÌ´Ù)
Joey: Wow. Monica runs a pretty tight shift around here, doesn't she? What are you doing?
¿Í¿ì. ¸ð´ÏÄ«°¡ ±º±âÇѹø ¹Ù¦ µé¿©±¸¸¸ ±×·¡? ¸ÓÇÏ°í ÀÖ³Ä?
Chandler: Monica has a secret closet and she won't let me see what's in it.
¸ð´ÏÄ« ºñ¹Ð º®ÀåÀÌ Àִµ¥ ¾È¿¡ ¸Ó°¡ ÀÖ´ÂÁö ³ª ¸øº¸°Ô ÇÏÀÝ¾Æ ±Û½ê
Joey: Why?
Chandler: I don't know!! I don't know what she could possibly be hiding in there that I can't see!!!
³ªµµ ¸ô¶ó!! ¾È¿¡ ³»°¡ º¼ ¼ö ¾ø´Â ±× ¹«¾ð°¡ ¼û±æ¸¸ÇÑ °ÍÀÌ ¸ÕÁö ¾Ë¼ö°¡ ÀÖ¾î¾ßÁö!!!
Joey: I don't know. Ooh. I bet it's Richard.
³ªµµ ¸ð¸£°Ú´Ù. ¾Æ. ¸®Ã³µå ÀÓ¿¡ Ʋ¸²¾ø´Ù
Chandler: Why would Monica be keeping Richard in here?
¸ð´ÏÄ«°¡ ¿Ö Àú¾È¿¡ ¸®Ã³µå¸¦ ¼û°Ü³õ°Ú³Ä?
Joey: Off the top of my head, uh, maybe she's having her cake and eating it too. You being the cake, Richard being the too. Or!
±Ý¹æ »ý°¢ÇØ ³½°Çµ¥, ¾î, ¾Æ¸¶ ¸ð´ÏÄ«°¡ ÄÉ잌ÀÌ Àִµ¥ ±×°É ¸Ô°íµµ ÀÖ°í. ³Êµµ ¸Ô°í, ¸®Ã³µåµµ ¸Ô°í ÀÖ°í¸»¾ß. ±×·±°Å ¾Æ´Ï¸é!
Chandler: Oh man, here we go.
ÀÌ·± ¸ÁÇÒ³Ñ, ÁÖÁ¢ ¶Ç ½ÃÀÛÀ̱º
Joey: I saw this movie once where there was this door and nobody knew what was behind it. They finally got it open and millions and millions and millions of bugs came pouring out. They feasted on human flesh! You know, it wouldn't kill you to respect your wife's privacy!
³»°¡ ¿µÈ­¸¦ ºÃ´Âµ¥ ¸»¾ß ±× ¿µÈ­¿¡¼­ ÀÌ·± ¹®ÀÌ ÀÖ¾ú´Âµ¥ ¾Æ¹«µµ ±×¾È¿¡ ¸Ó°¡ ÀÖ´ÂÁö ¸ô¶ó. ±×·¡¼­ ¸¶Ä§³» ±× ¹®À» ¿­¾ú´Âµ¥ ¼ö¹é¸¸¸¶¸® ¹ú·¹µéÀÌ ½ñ¾ÆÁ® ³ª¿Â°Å¾ß. ±× ¹ú·¹µéÀÌ »ç¶÷µé »ìÀ» ¶â¾î ¸ÔÀ¸¸ç ÆÄƼ¸¦ ¿­°í ³­¸®°¡ ³­°ÅÁö! ³Ê ¾Æ³Ä, ´Ï ¸¶´©¶ó ÇÁ¶óÀ̹ö½Ã Á¸ÁßÇÏ¸é ³Í ÇØ ¾øÀ»°Å¾ß!
(He leaves.)
( ±×°¡ ¹°·¯°£´Ù)
(Cut to Joey and Rachel's. Joey enters.)
( Á¶ÀÌ¿Í ·¹ÀÌÿÀÇ Áý. Á¶ÀÌ°¡ µîÀåÇÑ´Ù)
Joey: Stupid closet full of bugs!
¹ú·¹µéÀÌ ¿ì±¼°Å¸®´Â º®Àå Áõ¸» Â¥Áõ³ª³×!
(He bolts the door.)
( ±×°¡ ¹®ÀÇ ºøÀåÀ» °É¾î Àá±Ù´Ù)
Rachel: Joey, Joey, something feels weird and not good-weird. Whoa!!!
Á¶À̾ß, Á¶À̾ß, ¸Õ°¡ ÀÌ»óÇØ ¾Æ³Ä ÀÌ»óÇÑ°Ô ¾Æ´Ï±¸. ¾ö¸¶¾ß!!!
Joey: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, do not worry. When my sisters were pregnant, they got every weird feeling in the book. It's nothing.
¿À¿ì, °¡¸¸, °¡¸¸, °¡¸¸ ÀÖ¾îºÁ, ºÒ¾ÈÇØ ÇÏÁö ¸»°í. ¿ì¸® ´©³ªµé ÀӽŠÇßÀ»¶§, Ã¥¿¡ ³ª¿Â°Íó·³ ÀÌ»óÇÑ ±âºÐ °¡Á³¾ú´Âµ¥ ¸»¾ß. ±×°Å ¾Æ¹«°Íµµ ¾Æ³Ä
Rachel: Really?
Joey: Absolutely. But we're going to stop at the hospital just to make sure, ok? I'll call Ross on the way.
±×·¸°í ¸»°í. ¿ì¸® º´¿ø°¡¼­ ¹«½¼ÀÏÀÎÁö È®ÀÎ Çغ¸ÀÚ±¸, ¾Ë¾ÒÁö? ³»°¡ °¡¸é¼­ ·Î½ºÇÑÅ× ¿¬¶ôÇÒ°Ô
Rachel: Oh God. (he helps her up) Ow!!
¾ö¸¶¾ß ( ±×°¡ ±×³à°¡ ÀϾ´Â°É µµ¿ÍÁØ´Ù) ¿È¸¶!!
Joey: Rach, Rach, look at me. Everything's going to be fine. Trust me. Come on. Take my hand. (she gets up) There you go. Ow!! Crushing bones!! Oh good thing we're going to a hospital!
·¹ÀÌÿ, ·¹ÀÌÿ ³ªºÁ. ¾Æ¹«ÀÏ ¾øÀ»°Å¾ß. ³¯ ¹Ï¾î. ÀÚ. ³» ¼ÕÀâ¾Æ( ±×³à°¡ ÀϾ´Ù) ÀÚ °£´Ù. ¾Æ¿ì!! »À ¹Ù½º·¯Áø´Ù!! ÀÚ º´¿ø°£´Ù!!


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